Positive Vibe Cafe


Join us for BRUNCH every Sunday (10:00 am - 3:00 pm)
with live music (11:30 am - 1:30 pm)




Upcoming Music and Events    


NRG Krysis

Friday, January 20

8:00 - 11:00 pm

$8 cover charge


Susan Greenbaum

Saturday, January 21

6:30 - 8:30 pm


Diamonds 'n Dice Casino Night

Saturday, January 28

7pm - 10pm

presented by Kiwanis of Chesterfield

Proceeds to benefit Max's Positive Vibe Cafe, The Miracle League of Richmond &  Kiwanis of Chesterfield

Download a brochure here.

For tickets or more info contact [email protected]

Please note that the Cafe will be closed for regular business during this event.


Tuesday, January 31

7 pm - 9 pm

Tummy Tuesday














Catch the Vibe on NBC 12!

Watch the CBS Early Show segment on Max's Positive Vibe Cafe.   CBS Video Link

Watch WCVE video of Dreamers Theater, featuring employees and trainees of Max's Positive Vibe Cafe Food Service Training Program.

Read the latest Newsletter: Tasty Morsel




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The Mission

The Positive Vibe Foundation (formerly the Get Lost MD Foundation)  & Positive Vibe Café will create an evolving model for training and employing people with disabilities in order that they enjoy the satisfactions of being gainfully employed and fully contributing members of our community. This focus will allow their confidence to self-actualize through the development of their diverse talents.

Madison+Main New Media