2825 Hathaway Road, Richmond VA 23225 | p.804.560.9622 | f.804.560.9623 | http://www.myspace.com/positivevibecafe
Plan your next lunch meeting or dinner party at Positive Vibe Café. Our separate, spacious meeting room is fit for a crowd up to 30 people. Rent the room for any time or occasion and treat your guests to the best food and atmosphere in the Richmond.
To schedule your next event at Positive Vibe Café, call (804) 560-9622 or fill out the web-form below and fax to (804) 560-9623.
Positive Vibe Foundation (formerly the Get Lost MD Foundation) will create an evolving model for training and employing people with disabilities in order that they enjoy the satisfactions of being gainfully employed and fully contributing members of our community. This focus will allow their confidence to self-actualize through the development of their diverse talents.